NetIrc2.Events NamespaceNetIRC2 IRC Client Library for .NET
NetIRC2 raises a number of events. These classes store the event information.

Public classChannelListEntryEventArgs
Stores an entry of the channel list.
Public classChannelTopicChangeEventArgs
Stores a change in a channel's topic.
Public classChatMessageEventArgs
Stores a complete chat message.
Public classInvitationEventArgs
Stores information about a channel invitation.
Public classIrcErrorEventArgs
Stores an error.
Public classJoinLeaveEventArgs
Stores information about a user joining or leaving a channel.
Public classKickEventArgs
Stores information about a user being kicked from a channel.
Public classModeEventArgs
Stores a mode change.
Public classNameChangeEventArgs
Stores information about a name change.
Public classNameListEndEventArgs
Marks the end of a channel's name list.
Public classNameListReplyEventArgs
Stores a list of names of users in a channel.
Public classPingReplyEventArgs
Stores the results of an earlier ping request.
Public classQuitEventArgs
Stores information about a user disconnecting from an IRC server.
Public classSimpleMessageEventArgs
Stores a one-line message.
Public classTargetedMessageEventArgs
Stores a sender and recipient for a targeted action.